Sushi was a joyful soul that lived for adventure. We hope that by spreading Sushi’s story, we can brighten people’s lives and illuminate those who may be in a dark place. Remember you are loved and to remind those you care about how much they mean to you. Please read below to find out how we continue to spread Sushi’s message of joy, positivity, and love.

How we are working to preserve Sushi’s Memory:

  • Sushi has been made into a cute cartoon character known as SushiDog. You can buy SushiDog art on products here.
  • All orders processed from this Mercari and this Depop store will receive 1-3 Sushi postcards. These postcards have a positive message on the front and a place for you to write your own message along with a blurb about Sushi on the back
  • Information on Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease and Congestive Heart failure has been made available here.
  • We are working to compile images from Sushi’s 13-year life adventure. These will be available on this website at a later date.

One response to “”

  1. Col Avatar

    He looks like such a cutie and so loveable, I wish I’d met him. The loved ones that leave us will always live on in the way they changed us for the better.

    Liked by 1 person

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